Getting too complicated can blind you from what's really in front you.

Welcome to my new blog.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Capitalism Explained: Enough Said

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tough Times: The Fire Within

Tough Times

Trading stocks can be rewarding and challenging. Too many times, many get all bent out of shape from loses.

I felt a little artsy and wrote the following:

The Fire Within

Knowing  thyself not perfect,
Struggling to walk the straight line,
Setting the example for others to see,
To be followed in time.

Jagged edges prick at me,
Yet I continue patiently,
With goals forseen from gifts of sight,
It fuels my fire within to fight.

Patience, hardwork, are weapons indeed,
For challenges chipping away at thee,
Of heart, of fortunes, of health alike,
Focus of mind will bring you light.

Relentless valor of body and soul,
Against darkness that tests your virtue,
Push forward, summoning strength from within,
Rewards from your efforts await you.

!! Have A Great Weekend Everyone !!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Penny Stocks: Good vs. Not So Good

 Penny Stocks: Good vs. Not So Good

Investing in Penny Stocks can be a great way to earn big profits, but it can also be the fastest way to lose it all.

Yes, my own portfolio has penny stocks, and I am ready prepared to lose it all.


The Good
  • PRICE: With Penny Stocks usually at a price of $5.00/share or less, you can use a small amount of money to buy a large volume of shares to add to your portfolio.
  • LARGE PROFITS: Penny Stocks are often part of a company that's growing. If a company finally becomes established, then the price of the Penny Stock will shoot upwards in a very short period of time.
The Bad
  • EXTREMELY HIGH RISK: Though you could make a huge profit in a very short period of time with Penny Stocks, you can lose it all just as quickly. Companies in trouble will issue Penny Stocks to the public to earn quick money to clear debt. If unsuccessful, the company dies off and you've just lost all your money.
  • NO RULES: Penny Stocks are not regulated in any way. In many cases, a scam-company is created to issue Penny Stocks to gobble-up your profit before it is disintegrated. Hence, you just lost all your cash. It can happen from one day to the next and there is nothing the Securities Exchange Commission can do about it due to lack of rules governing them.
Information Is Key

Educate yourself & do heavy research before investing in a company's Penny Stock, or you could be sorry you didn't.

And I repeat again:

Monday, May 26, 2014


My own, original Memorial Day poetic tribute:


Our brothers and sisters stand united as one,
Each service, all part of the same mission,
With service before self, working tirelessly,
Sacrificing blood and limb so all may live free,
The fallen, the living, the heroes who gave,
With great distinction we salute you today,
The planes, the tanks, and the burning torch,
Our country’s freedom is worth fighting for,
Facing all enemies, all fears in the face,
In your honor we continue to serve in your place.

Friday, May 2, 2014

AAPL: Apple Inc.'s 7 to 1 Split, The What & The Why

AAPL: Understanding the 7 to 1 Split

OK ..... We all recently heard that Apple Inc. had a 7 to 1 split. Isn't that great news? Do you even know what this means. I am going to try and make it simple.

Simple Math

Splitting a stock means you have more shares, but with stock value equaling the same before the split. It's like changing a $5.00 for 5 $1.00's. Instead of 1 bill, you now have 5 bills, but the value is still the same.

More Simple Math

Before the split :
- You own 200 shares of AAPL @ $600/share = $120,000 value
After the split:
- You own 1400 shares of AAPL @ $85.714 = $120,000 value

Even though you look and see that your value hasn't really changed. Now you have more shares of AAPL stock that will hopefully reach $600.00/share.
- You own 1400 shares of AAPL @ $600.0/share = $840,000 value

The Why

What purpose did Apple hope to achieve by doing this?
- With the stock price lower now, investors can buy more, not just 10 shares, but 20.
- With the stock price below $100.00/share, it can now be listed in the Dow Jones Industrial Average as one of the world's largest companies; there is a lot of prestige that follows this.

Hopefully, I've Made It Easy To Understand ..... Trade Well!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

GLCO: Eye Catching Marijuana

GLCO: Eye Catching Marijuana

Today's focus is on Global Links Corp.

Global Links Corp., together with its subsidiaries, designs, constructs, and sells affordable factory-built homes in underdeveloped countries worldwide. It is involved in developing affordable housing projects using proprietary stackable housing designs; and providing a service whereby members can exchange goods and services for trade dollars in place of cash. The company was formerly known as United Trading.Com and changed its name to Global Links Corp. in February 2003. The company was founded in 1952 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

OK .... With That Said

What made GLCO catch my eye? .....  Yup, it's trading OTC Pink. So we know it may be a dangerous stock to invest into. Was it an ad that may have caught my attention to look at this stock? Nope.

 It was the MARIJUANA :-)

21 of 50 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana, and Florida would become a big addition to this growing trend. GLCO has begun a process of capitalizing on the business of marijuana, and I think investors took a note of that.

Take a look at the most recent GLCO 5-day chart:

Holy macaroni Batman. That was quite a spike. Yeah, you see a little dip after the spike, but that's normal. With few businesses venturing into this type of business, I think investing in "weed" is a good idea. I think the climb should continue steadily with GLCO to soon reach the $0.50/share mark.

I'm Willing To Put A Small Gamble Into This One.

!! Peace & Trade Well !!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Stock Market Dip, Keep Cool

Stock Market Dip, Keep Cool & Hold

Just a quick blurp to say, "I know many of you are kicking your teeth in today because the Stock Market took a dump, but KEEP YOUR COOL & HOLD your positions." It'll go back up again.

The market used the Russian / Ukraine news to scare everyone into oblivion and sell. This could have been a strategic move by investors bring prices lower so they can buy at the dip. But this is just a little dip which should last no more than a few days.

Again, KEEP YOUR COOL & HOLD .....