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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

RSH: Profit From Turmoil

RSH: Profit From The Turmoil

Here is a quick 'bleep' on Radio Shack (RSH).

Last week, Radio Shack received financing offers from Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and GE Capital. This great news to show key partners and investors that they will have enough money to fund the company's turn-around efforts.

Though this good news did not do anything to jump-start the stock price up, it's going to be great news for those who have been holding shares, or intend to buy any.

The way I see it is like this: ..... Our government is currently in a financial battle. The stock market has been tumbling down for the past 2 weeks because of it, this includes Radio Shack's stock [see the 1 month chart below].

Take Advantage of the Dip 

Average price as of today was 3.29. I see this taking off as soon as these 'thumbs-battles' between politicians are over with.

Though I would buy now, I would hold and wait until it takes a quick spike before taking a quick profit on this one.

!! Good Luck !!