Getting too complicated can blind you from what's really in front you.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Tough Times: The Fire Within

Tough Times

Trading stocks can be rewarding and challenging. Too many times, many get all bent out of shape from loses.

I felt a little artsy and wrote the following:

The Fire Within

Knowing  thyself not perfect,
Struggling to walk the straight line,
Setting the example for others to see,
To be followed in time.

Jagged edges prick at me,
Yet I continue patiently,
With goals forseen from gifts of sight,
It fuels my fire within to fight.

Patience, hardwork, are weapons indeed,
For challenges chipping away at thee,
Of heart, of fortunes, of health alike,
Focus of mind will bring you light.

Relentless valor of body and soul,
Against darkness that tests your virtue,
Push forward, summoning strength from within,
Rewards from your efforts await you.

!! Have A Great Weekend Everyone !!