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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Russian Gas: Polar Icecaps of Emerging Growth

Russian Gas: Polar Icecaps of Emerging Growth
There is no doubt that the polar icecaps are melting.
If anyone, or any group is spreading news that our planet not under threat from global warming, THEY LIE!
Cha-Ching of Opportunity
Novatek, a Russian gas company is working to be one of the first make to make a profit from it. 

New York Times, 2013 07 24 - Novatek, in partnership with the French energy company Total and the China National Petroleum Corporation, is building a $20 billion liquefied natural gas plant on the central Arctic coast of Russia. It is one of the first major energy projects to take advantage of the summer thawing of the Arctic caused by global warming. A rendering of Novatek's proposed $20 billion liquefied natural gas plant on Russia's Arctic coast, scheduled to be done by 2016. From this windswept shore on the Arctic Ocean, where Novatek owns enormous natural gas deposits, a stretch of thousands of miles of ice-free water leads to China. The company intends to ship the gas directly there. “If we don’t sell them the fuel, somebody else will,” Mikhail Lozovoi, a spokesman for Novatek, said last month with a shrug. 

For those investing in energy, there is excellent money making opportunity here.