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Monday, September 9, 2013

AMD: The Up & Up

AMD: The Up & Up

 On one of my previous post on AMD, I mentioned that AMD's stock price was at a month low and investors should load up on this stock before it takes off.

Shake It Off

OK! ..... News events took a blah blah blah causing investors to panic. Shortsellers were also playing their game driving the stock price to drop even lower.

Well, I think the panic is subsiding a bit now. The stock price should move up extremely higher now that we are getting closer to the Holidays.

Both Playstation and Xbox sales are expected to boom. When this happens, the AMD stock price will leap.

Some have even speculated that the stock could reach $85.00 a share soon. When I step a back and look at it, I do see $35.00 a share easy.

I will say it again! ..... Load up on this stock before it takes off.

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