Getting too complicated can blind you from what's really in front you.

Welcome to my new blog.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The World's Banking Turmoil

The World's Banking Turmoil

Did I hear right? Banks around the world are DEMANDING the U.S. Federal Reserve to update federal policy as it tapers on bond-buying?

What is that? ..... We have been aiding world financial institutions at the cost of our own economic country's stability.

Giving $$$ Away

Here's my STRONG opinion on this issue.

Ever since our country's leadership decided to provide stimulus to help the world's economy, the U.S. has been handing over billions and billions to foreign banks each year.

And what did the foreign bank do with all that money? ..... Absolutely nothing. They are still in trouble because banking reforms were never executed.

Did they think they were going to be spoon-fed our $$$'s forever? ..... I think not.

We have to begim giving ourselves our own profit now to rebuild our own economy. So whichever country says that our economy is lagging behind, we have been aiding your economies and now it is time to move ours forward.

So ..... OK ..... The stock market has been taking a nosedive, but it will recover. The market's volitility has been necessary because it forces foreign institutions to change, hopefully, for the better.

!! Reduce Tapering I Say !!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Stock Market Correction, Ride The Wave

Stock Market Correction, Ride The Wave

You all probably looking at the stock market today kicking yourself in the teeth.

Correction Is Here

I said that correction was going to happen on one of my last posts because the it just kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing.

Well, guess what? .....


All stocks are in the red and these are times when it's good to accumulate.

!! Take Advantage & Ride The Wave !!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gold: At The Sidelines Waiting

Gold: At The Sidelines Waiting

I just want to get in a quick 'blurp' in about gold today.

Prices for precious metals has been slipping recently. When the fed reported they would taper on bond-buying, stocks soared and precious metals like gold did not. The price even fell below $1200.00/oz at one point. On top of that, mining labor, equipment costs, and related services almost doubled.

So How Will Gold Get Back Into The Game?

Gold may need to reach the $1250.00/oz before it can stabilize and move forward. As I believe the economy is still not as strong as being reported to the media, the price of gold, as well as other precious metals, should pop when our continued economic weakness has been realized.

!! Don't Give Up On Gold Yet !!

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Quick Thanks

A Quick Thanks

I just wanted to give you guys a quick thanks for taking the time to read the content I publish.

It came as a big surprise to see how many of you visit, and from where.

It almost brought me to tears.

!! You Guys Are Great & I'll Keep It Coming !!

Wait For It ..... Wait For It

Wait For It ..... Wait For It

I posted not too long ago that I believed stock were climbing, and climbing, and climbing.

I posted the Dow for you. No Here is a 1-year look at the NASDAQ:

 Low Price Stocks, Great Time To Buy

I also said that low-end stock were a great buy right now. Seize the opportunity to get'em while they're down before the big players make a move on them.

Then 'cha-ching' into your bank accounts.

In Summary, The Correction

The smaller priced stocks have bottomed out. There is definitely a correction coming because the market cannot conitnue climbing at such a rate. When that happens, these lower-priced stock will bounce.

!! Take Care Guys !!

Friday, January 17, 2014

DLIA: Great Opportunity Here

DLIA: Great Opportunity Here

I'm not always right, but I share with you my findings nonetheless.

I did a little homework and the following company sparked my attention: dELiA's, Inc. (DLIA)

This company operates as a multi-channel retail company in the United States. It develops, markets, and sells apparel, dresses, swimwear, footwear, outerwear, and accessories primarily for teenage girls through direct mail catalogs, Websites, and mall-based specialty retail stores under the dELiA*s brand name. As of February 2, 2013, the company operated 104 dELiA*s stores in 33 states. The company was founded in 1997 and is based in New York, New York.

A Time To Accumulate

Though the company is going through a little struggle, the stock price [currently trading at $0.84] was low enough to where I even had to buy shares for myself.

Take a look at the 6-month chart:

So, it is currently on a downtrend. What company isn't? 
Take a look at Wet Seat [WTSL], Aeropostale [ARO], JCPenney [JCP]. They are currently trading 52-week lows as well.

I see great promise for [DLIA] this one where it night make a bold move to stabilize @ $4.50 when the ripples have calmed a bit.

!! Happy Trading Folks !!

Friday, January 10, 2014

JCP: At 52-week Low, Scarf It Up

JCP: At 52-week Low, Scarf It Up

JCPenney [JCP] is currently trading at the 52-week low-end.

Here Are The Numbers

Symbol: JCP
52-week Range: $6.24 - $23.10
Currently trading at pre-hrs as of Friday, 2014 01 10 @ $7.60.

I Would Take Advantage On This One .....

WHOA Kimosabi ..... What Goes Up, Must Come Down

WHOA Kimosabi ..... What Goes Up, Must Come Down

First of all, Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope your year is filled with luck, food, fun & profits.

Too Fast, Too Crazy

Have you seen the stock market lately? WOW ..... It has been on the up & up like crazy over the past 3 months.

Take a look at a quickpick of stocks in relation to the 52-week highs:
  • YHOO: 52-wk range 18.89 - 41.72; trading at 40.95
  • HP: 52-wk range 55.78 - 85.51; trading at84.92
  • GRPN: 52-wk range 4.24 - 12.76; trading at 11.39
  • TMUS: 52-wk range 16.01 - 34.10; trading at 33.03
  • RAD: 52-wk range 1.29 - 6.15; trading at 5.68
Here is the latest 3 month chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average:

Stop & Take A Step Back

It's nice that many have profited from recent up-trends, but now that we are into earnings, I think we should take profits now and just wait / observe. It has to come down again at some point; then we can buy again.

!! Trade Well Y'all !!